Gaming Mouse Social Media Post Design | Photoshop Tutorial

"Gaming Mouse Social Media Post Design"

Welcome everyone! Gaming Mouse Social Media Post Design Tutorial using the Adobe Photoshop. Learning from this tutorial, you will learn how can you design a gaming mouse social media post in photoshop.

Professional Gaming Mouse Social Media Post, can be used for promote a ecommerce product. It is very easy to edit all text, colors, images, etc. Download the free psd file...

- Alex Hallasi


Size: 1080 x 1080 px
Resolution: 300 PPI
Color Mode: RGB
Software: Photoshop


FONT USED - Impact - Cinderland - Stolzl

Alex Hallasi

Hi There!, I am Alex Hallasi. Welcome to my website. I’m a creative print design and digital design expert graphic designer who can work independently without too many detailed instructions. My professional work have earned me a lot of successful long-term.facebooktwitterpinterestyoutubeexternal-link

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